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Media relations thrive on quality. That’s why at, all mailings are carried out by hand by PR professionals. This way, we guarantee you the best possible quality at transparent prices. These are comprised of a fixed basic price and the price of the selected distribution lists. Already made up your mind to use on a long term basis? Feel free to contact us and take advantage of our offers for heavy users!

1. Basic price

The basic price of 200 € covers the general platform costs, the expenses for the manual processing of the order by our PR professionals and the reporting on the number of openings, which you will receive seven days after the dispatch.

2. Distribution list price

The use of distribution lists costs 29,00 € per list plus VAT 

3. Optional services

Additional language versions

You can add up to two additional language versions to your order. This way, you can be sure that you are addressing your media contacts in their preferred language. If you want to send images with your press release, please provide us with the translated captions along with the text. We will address the respective contacts according to the specific language.

Costs per additional language version:  49,00 € plus VAT

Press release quality check

If you book a “Press release quality check”, you will additionally receive proofreading, editing and reworking of your press release. We currently offer the quality check for press releases in German, English, French, Turkish and Polish. Other languages may be available upon request.

Cost per quality check: 119,00 € plus VAT 

Personalized approach

Sent out a press release and received no publication after a long time? The chance of being published can be increased by targeted follow-up. If you book the option “personal approach”, we will follow up for you with the five most important trade media outlets in your selected country. This will give you and your message more exposure and increase the chance of being published.

Cost per contact with the five most important trade media outlets in your selected country: 249,00 € plus VAT 


With the “Monitoring” option you will immediately know where your press release has been published. How does it work? We create search profiles for you in our monitoring software. We store keyword combinations from your announcements in these profiles. Once the profiles are defined, your news item is searched for online and in print magazines. If published material is found, we will be notified and send it to you as a PDF file.

We currently offer worldwide online monitoring. For the DACH region, you receive print and online monitoring.

The monitoring option can be booked monthly. If you book once, you will receive one month of monitoring from us, including the receipt of publications in the form of PDF files.

Costs: 229,00€ plus VAT per month